<p>This is where I will post any changes that I have made to the server, keep an eye on this thread to keep up to date with the servers changes and updates!</p>
<p> </p>
<p><em>Changelog entry date: 31/07/2016, 03:11 am.</em></p>
<li>Changed HL2RP colour scheme to match the forums.</li>
<li>Custom /doorkick command added into the server (for CP's only, civvies cant use.)</li>
<li>Made stunsticks an equippable item, and purchaseable by BMD's.</li>
<li>I have removed Stunsticks from the MPF Faction automatically, now you will need to get it from the armoury as it is a seperate item.</li>
<li>Stunstick glow has been changed from grey to blue to improve appearance.</li>
<li>Citizen Clothing has been added, it can be accessed at a clothing terminal outside the trainstation.</li>
<li>Gas Mask suits and Rebreathers have been added, for Resistance variation & sewer gas durability.</li>
<li>Black Market prices have been re-done, making them more fair on the dealers.</li>
This is where I will post any changes that I have made to the server, keep an eye on this thread to keep up to date with the servers changes and updates!
Changelog entry date: 31/07/2016, 03:11 am.
- Changed HL2RP colour scheme to match the forums.
- Custom /doorkick command added into the server (for CP's only, civvies cant use.)
- Made stunsticks an equippable item, and purchaseable by BMD's.
- I have removed Stunsticks from the MPF Faction automatically, now you will need to get it from the armoury as it is a seperate item.
- Stunstick glow has been changed from grey to blue to improve appearance.
- Citizen Clothing has been added, it can be accessed at a clothing terminal outside the trainstation.
- Gas Mask suits and Rebreathers have been added, for Resistance variation & sewer gas durability.
- Black Market prices have been re-done, making them more fair on the dealers.